
  • Two papers accepted to NeurIPS 2024, one as oral! - Big congrats to Felix and everybody involved!
  • One paper accepted to NeurIPS D&B 2024 - Big congrats to Irene and everybody involved!
  • Two papers accepted to ECCV 2024 - Big congrats to Nina, Anna, and Mirza and everybody involved!
  • Whisper-Flamingo has been accepted to Interspeech 2024 - Big congrats and kudos to Andrew!
  • I'll start a new position as a full professor at the Tuebingen AI Center
  • One workshop (incl. challenge) accepted for CVPR 2024. Check out the website and call:
    - 2nd Workshop on What is Next in Multimodal Foundation Models?
    - MMFM-Challenge
  • Two papers accepted to CVPR 2024 - Big congrats to Walid and Brian and everybody involved!
  • I had the pleasure of contributing my expertise to the 2024 annual report of the Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation
  • I'm honored to be a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Carl-Zeiss-Foundation and to have the chance to discuss the future of AI research with so great colleagues: Article
  • Walid got featured on the title page of RSIP ComputerVisionNews in January! Check out the GEM article: i!
  • The second edition of the Differentiable Almost Everything Workshop will be held at ICML 2024. Website and call will be available soon! (2023 Edition)
  • One paper accepted for ICML 2024 - Congratulations Felix! Check it out: Uncertainty Quantification via Stable Distribution Propagation