An end-to-end generative framework for video segmentation and recognitionH. Kuehne, J. Gall and T. Serre Proc. of IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2016 AbstractWe describe an end-to-end generative approach for the segmentation and recognition of human activities. In this approach, a visual representation based on reduced Fisher Vectors is combined with a structured temporal model for recognition. We show that the statistical properties of Fisher Vectors make them an especially suitable front-end for generative models such as Gaussian mixtures. The system is evaluated for both the recognition of complex activities as well as their parsing into action units. Using a variety of video datasets ranging from human cooking activities to animal behaviors, our experiments demonstrate that the resulting architecture outperforms state-of-the-art approaches for larger datasets, i.e. when sufficient amount of data is available for training structured generative models. CodeCurrent version of the system is available on GitHub: If you use this code and/or data in your project, please cite:
DataThe evaluation was done on the following datasets: ADL, Olympic, ToyAssembly, CMU-MMAC, MPIICooking, 50Salads, Breakfast and CRIM13. We provide the reduced FV representation and the segmentation used (.xml and .txt). We also provide precomputed dense trajectories (using the code availlable here) or improved dense trajectories (using the code availlable here) on request, as long as they are not included at the dataset website. Please contact me (kuehne @ iai . uni-bonn . de) . ADLWebsite: Reduced FV: hist_dt_l2pn_c64.rar Segmentation: segmentation.tar.gz Dense Trajectories: on request OlympicWebsite: Reduced FV: dt_l2pn_c64_pc64.tar.gz Segmentation: segmentation.tar.gz Improved dense Trajectories: on request ToyAssemblyWebsite: Reduced FV: dt_l2pn_c64_pc64.rar Segmentation: segmentation.tar.gz Dense Trajectories: on request CMU-MMACWebsite: Reduced FV: dt_l2pn_c64_pc64.rar Segmentation: segmenatation.tar.gz Dense Trajectories: on request MPIICookingWebsite: Link Reduced FV: hist_dt_l2pn_c64.rar Segmentation: segmentation.tar.gz | segmentation.noBG.tar.gz Dense Trajectories: Link 50SaladsWebsite: Reduced FV: dt_l2pn_c64_pc64.rar Segmentation: segmentation.tar.gz For evaluation units are mapped to 13 classes. Mapping file is here: 50salads_mapping_13classes.txt , 50salads_class_list.txt Dense Trajectories: on request BreakfastWebsite: Reduced FV: breakfast_data.tar.gz (~1GB) Segmentation: segmentation_coarse.tar.gz Dense Trajectories: Splitted in four: dense_traj_all_s1.tar.gz (~37GB) dense_traj_all_s2.tar.gz (~57GB) dense_traj_all_s3.tar.gz (~42GB) dense_traj_all_s4.tar.gz (~75GB) CRIM13Website: Reduced FV: dt_l2pn_c64_pc64.rar Segmentation: segmentation.tar.gz Dense Trajectories: on request |